Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Like a Good Neighbor...

Company : State Farm Insurance (USA)

Most of us in the 21st century own a car (umm, I don't, as of yet). And one of the most important thing you are concerned about is the insurance of the car. Likewise, insurance of house, business, health, life etc.

State Farm Insurance is almost a century old insurance agency in The United States of America, and has a very trusted branch for automobile insurance over decades. In the past few months, State Farm brought out a series of really interesting TV advertisements just to show how much trustworthy and prompt they are, and how dedicated they are to provide the service their client needs.

Here's one of them -

It just tells that they are so easily accessible, a near one-to-one customer care, prompt attendance and very likely to listen to what you say.

Here's one ad on their home insurance -

Look at the ease on the face of the guy who calls for the agent. That is the sense of calmness the company wants their clients to be in, and leave the job into their hands.

Two other State Farm ads that caught my attention were -
1. for the chirpy new generation


2. for the sports fanatics, LeBron fans especially (ft. a cameo by the famous sports announcer, Michael Buffer) -

You would've noticed that the jingle is "Like a good neighbour, State Farm is there", also indirectly emphasizing the old American culture where neighbours bonded very well. In the 21st century, with tight schedule and/or the now common "night life", the neighbourhood bond is weakening, and State Farm is trying to bring that back a bit with their advertisements, almost all of which have 2 or more friends/neighbours acting in it.

I loved the advertisement for their simple theme and the ability to deliver the simple message in many ways. They would've covered most audiences with those ads featuring on national television during the runs of telly-series, sports etc. And, they are likely to have an impact on most kinds of audiences too - kids, parents, working class, businessmen etc. The little music BGM at the end keeps playing in my mind many a times :-)

State Farm Insurance Website - http://www.statefarm.com/

To visit their page on Facebook, click here . You would find other ads from this series on their Facebook page.